Saturday, January 17, 2009

STRAIGHT pride flag?

I understand fully that any and every one is entitled to a pride flag. A bear pride flag, a Latino pride flag...but a STRAIGHT pride flag? I mean, the gay pride flag is symbolic of pride to be in a minority that is by and large denied of their rights. But what is the point of a straight pride flag, exactly? I have never heard of a person who is ashamed of being straight, except maybe Pete Wentz who wishes he was gay- except that he's apparently gotten over THAT since he's married to a WOMAN now!
Does anybody understand the point of a straight pride flag? Like, a reason for it? Cuz it's not like I'd even WANT one. I'm not in some minority and certainly I don't feel obligated to tell people I'm straight upon meeting them....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

THE POPE and otherwise

Yes. I am angry at the pope, due to his belief that the human race will self-destruct if gays are allowed to marry, and that protecting marriage is as important as protecting the rainforest. And seriously? If you are that against gay marriage, might I suggest you don't GET ONE???
I do not understand how it is HIS business what gay couples are doing with each other...which sounds kind of gross, I realize, but really?!?! Since when is it ANYBODY'S business what ANYONE else is doing with someone?

And I'm not sure how to make someone else an admin but as soon as I figure out I will start allowing other people to be admins

Friday, January 2, 2009

I have no idea what I'm doing, just so you all know. If anybody DOES know how this is supposed to work, feel free to help me. :)